Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veteran's Day

November 11 is Veteran’s Day in the United States.  It is a day to remember the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting the American way of life.  Through the years these individuals have put their safety and well-being in jeopardy in the name of freedom, liberty, and justice.  We owe all former and current members of our armed services a great deal of gratitude.

Whether or not you agree with the involvement of our military around the world, the support of our troops is necessary.  It is not the soldier who decides where to go, they take orders.  They go where they are needed and where they are asked to go.  It is a difficult life.  In addition to risking their life, they are often separated from their families for months on end.  They give up the comforts of Saturday afternoon football games, microwave popcorn, and a nice fireplace in exchange for tents in the middle of the desert.

It is fitting we dedicate a day during the year to remember those brave men and women who truly understand what it means to be called to duty.

What are your thoughts on Veteran’s Day?  What ways can you personally honor our veterans and current military members?  Find a Veteran sometime this week and tell them “Thank You”. 


  1. I think veterans day is very important because we honor people that served our country. I think I can honor veterans by saying thank you for serving our country.

  2. I think that veterans day is very important because it is the day the day where everyone stands and pray. Today is the wonderful day when all over the country stands and say thank you to all of those who had sacrifice their lives to have America the way it is today. On November 11th at 11:00 we shall stand and pray. I can honor those who have died for us and have America the way it is today. I will be saying to all those who are still alive today that fought in world war l and to all those who have died for us. They are always in my pray.

  3. I think veterans day has had a big impact on America because we think about the men and women who have served for our country. we can all personally honor our veterans is if you see a retired veteran you can walk up and say thank you and maybe shake there hand.

  4. I personally think that our veterans should be honored every day of the year, but especially on Veterans Day. I called my Grandpa this Veterans Day to thank him for serving in the Navy. We should all try to call or see our loved ones that have fought for our Country on Veterans Day. If you don't have anyone in your family that has served then honor the Veterans on your community. Simply saying thank you can go a long way.

  5. I love veterans day because we need to show that we love and care for them. They have done so much for our country. They risked their lives so we could have freedom and peace. So we really need to pray for them.

  6. I think veterans day is very important, because they deserve a day to be thanked and honored for their service. We should in fact thank them everyday, because they risked there lives for us.

  7. My thoughts on Veterans Day are that it is an important time to remember what military people have done for this country and what they have sacrificed. One way I can honor soldiers currently in the army is showing them the respect they deserve. For example I could hold the door for someone in military uniform. One way I can show respect to veterans is volunteering at the veterans home. For example I could teach veterans chess.

  8. I think it is a great idea that we have a Veterans Day to honor our alive troops and troops that have passed away in wars, old age, etc. People who have lost their lives are probably looking down at us from Heaven and thinking, wow, thanks for honoring us. If we didn't have a Veterans Day then eventually people who lost our lives for us to be free would be mostly forgotten. If we chose to not celebrate them then it would be as if we weren't thankful for their fighting to keep us safe. Some things that you could do to honor a Veteran(s) are to maybe ask your parents to put American flags on your car or decorate your binder with red, white, and blue. If you have a veteran in your family you can thank them for serving in the army. If you have a veteran that passed away in the war you and your family could look at pictures of him or her. There are many possible things to for Veterans Day. Be Creative!!!

  9. I think Veteran's Day should be valued because American's respect the veterans who left everything and fought for the freedom of the American culture. I can learn about my grandfather's experiences in the war and pass them on to the generation that will come. I can honor current veterans by praying for them and their families.

  10. Having Veteran's Day is a great time for remembrance. To remember that those who died serving our country, those who gave up a normal, free life so that you could have the freedom to choose what you wanted to do in your life. So the least that you and I can do is to respect and honor them by visiting their graves, visiting the Veteran's Home to hang out with them and keep them company. Thanks Veterans!

  11. I think Veteran's Day is very important. It is a time to remember those who have died for us and to thank those who still serve. We should pray for all of them. To honor veterans, I could visit their graves, say a simple "thank you", or visit with them and keep them company. Doing just one little thing will make them happy and they will think "Wow, they really apprieciate me serving!" It makes them so happy. Trust me. I would say thank you to my mom's dad, my grandpa. But unfortunatly, I cannot. He passed away almost one year ago. He died in December of 2013. I will be sure to pray for him and pray to him that I really apprieciate that he served. I would tell him how much I love and miss him. Thank you so much Grandpa and to all veterans!!

  12. Veterans Day is needed for people to realize what the troops have done for them. They give up their lives and sacrifice to save our lives. We should thank them so much. You can personally thank them by honoring them and visiting their graves. I have a veteran in my family, my uncle. He fought in the Gulf War and Iraq. I would like too thank him a lot. Again thank you veterans around the world.

  13. My thoughts on Veterans Day is to remeber and honor all of those that have fought , and continued to fight for our freedom. Ways that I can honor my veterans and current military members is to learn more about the sacrifices that they made, to be supportive of our troops, and by remembering our veterans by including them in my prayers. I would like to thank my great uncle and my grandfather for there service iin the armed foreces.

  14. I think Veterans Day is important because we need to remember the men and woman who died or fought for our country. They risked their lives to fight for our country. People today are still fighting for us and we often forget about the troops over seas. We can show our thankfulness by helping out the Veterans even in our neighbor hood or just say thank you if your see someone that is in the army. This week on Thursday I was at the friendship feast and while we were serving food we all said thank you to him. We can all do things to let Veterans know we appreciate them.

  15. My thoughts are Veteran's Day is to thank and never forget what our veterans did for us. What they did took a lot of courage and I realize how lucky I am for them. I am honored to be living in a country that is free and I will never forget how that happened and how many lives were lost for our freedom, our country, and us. I can honor all veterans by taking a moment to thank them and ask God to watch over them. I would like to thank my grandpa and uncle. My grandpa was in the Navy and served in the Kurian War. My uncle was in the Navy and was a fighter pilot. I am so proud of them and everyone else who is serving and has served. Thank you veterans for all you have done. I appreciate it so much.

  16. I'm incredibly thankful for all my veterans because my life would be very different. I think the government should have better benefits for retired veterans. I said "Thank You" to my Grandpa.

  17. I think that veterans day is very important because this day we honor the veterans. Without veterans we would probably not be where we are now. Without veterans we would not be a free nation. One way that I can honor the veterans and current military members is for me to pray for them. I will most definitely say thank you to a veterans when I see one.

  18. I think Veterans day is awesome, everyday is pretty much veterans day because we really do respect them.
    People all over I think can make veterans feel comfortable and happy by just saying hi and saying thanks for serving our country. I see a lot of old veterans and old people like kids a lot so we all can use that to our advantage.

  19. I think Veterans Day is important and fun, it is a day where you can thank everyone who is a veteran. I can honor each veteran by saying a prayer to keep them safe. I want to thank every veteran their is!

  20. 2 of my cousins are in the Navy and my great grandpa was in the Marines. My grandpa saved his friend who got shot in the chest. When he was running to the medic he was shot in the leg so he was awarded a Purple Heart. 1 of my 2 cousins is stationed in Japan because he has already served in Pakistan. I have a lot of military in my family and so I really care about Veterans Day. Every morning on the radio the National Anthem plays. I tell veterans thank you when ever I see one because I like to pay my respects.

  21. I think Veterans day is nice because it gives us time to thank veterans. The only down part with Veterans Day is that veterans should be thanked and remembered every day not just one. Ways I thank veterans for their service is by singing the national anthem at many events, making cards, and donating money.

  22. veterans day is important because we honor the people that served for our country. I honor veterans day by saying thank you for your service when ever I see one.

  23. lI think it is good that we honer all are troops.Help them with stuff they can't do.

  24. I think that Veterans Day is really a nice celebration because all our military troops risk their lives to protect us and they do it just for us. I think we should say thank you to a veteran whenever we see one because they are fighting for us. I also think we can pray for them whenever we get a chance which I try to do every once in a while at mass or in Mr. Yanci's room when we are doing special intentions. I hope that all our veterans are safe and know we are praying for them.

  25. I think veterans day is a importanrt because we honor the people that had died and served for our country and I also think it give us time to really think about what they have done and It gives us time to say thank you to our veterans. I think we sould say thank you to our veterans and praying for they.

  26. I think Veteran's Day is very important because this is the day we honor the people who have served and sacrificed there life's for us and we should really appreciate it. What ways I can show that I am honored is by praying to God saying thank you. Maybe if you have a chance go to church and pray that you are thankful for this.

  27. I think Veteran's Day is very important because it's the day we honor the people who serve for our country. I will personally thank them by saying thank you

  28. I think that it is very good that we celebrate veterans day, they sacrifice their lives for us, I had a great grandpa who fought in the Hungarian army, after he served his time he was bedridden, and he passed away before I was born even though it's not the American army i am still so proud of everyone who risks this lives for me without even knowing my name. "we salute those who have served to make our lives better"

  29. I think Veterans day is very important because its the day we honor all the people who have served for our country and made it what it is today and they formed this country.We always need to remember our veterans and how they helped us in our hardest times!

  30. Veteran's Day, I believe, is very, very important to Americans. It is the day that we thank all those people who have fought for our freedom. It is a day to celebrate those who have given up their lives for us. I'm not only talking about people who have died, but people who gave up holidays, birthdays, funerals, births, and family dinners all to give us and others freedom. We are celebrating the courageous men and women who are forever haunted by the gruesome and terrifying memories of being on the battlefield. My father almost missed my birth because he was about to be deployed. He did have to leave a short while after my birth, but he took videos of himself reading me and Caitlyn books so that I would have some memory of him while he was gone for 6 months. I would like to thank my father, Matthew, for serving in the war in Iraq, my grandfather, Joe, for serving in the Vietnamese war, my uncle, Bill, for fighting in Iraq, and my other grandfather, William, for serving in the war in Iraq. I will try to thank them by praying for them and thank them as often as I can. I thank all those who have served in any war and I ask that you pray for all those who are still haunted by their memories of the wars.

  31. I think veterans day is a good way of thanking them for their service. I personally think that we also should think more of them then just on that day. We should think of them on the day of our Independence day. I honor them by thanking my cousins foe being in the service and I ask them to tell the rest of their troop thank you for serving our country and please keep doing your service up you guys are doing awesome.


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