Tuesday, November 12, 2013

High School Football Tragedy

Last Friday night the Bishop Kelly Knights played the Kuna Kavemen in the first round of the Idaho High School Football Playoffs.  Based on the previous meeting between these two teams, the game had the potential of being a great game.  The two teams have been rivals for many years.  Ask any former player from either school  and more than likely they can tell you about the time they played each other.

The game and the rivalry seemed far less important after the tragic event which occurred in the first quarter.  Boone Bartlome, a junior wide receiver for Kuna, suffered a broken neck when attempting a block.  After the play Boone laid motionless on the field for more than 30 minutes while the crowd watched with anxiety and hope.  During the time Boone was being attended to by medical personnel, the teams, the crowd, the cheerleaders prayed. 

It took some time for the paramedics to secure Boone and load him into the ambulance.  At that point I was reminded of the strength of humanity and why I love high school sports.  Moments after the ambulance pulled away, both teams gather in the center of the field, taking a knee and bowing their heads as the Kuna coach led both teams in a prayer for Boone, his family, and his recovery.  Describing the image as inspiring does not do it justice.

Boone was rushed to the hospital and underwent spinal cord surgery to repair the broken vertebrae.  The reports after the surgery have been optimistic, but it will be possibly weeks before the swelling goes down and they can assess the extent of the injury.  Regardless, Boone and his family are facing an incredible and long journey to recovery.

Since the tragic event on Friday, both schools have held rallies and prayer services in honor of Boone and his family.  The community is trying in every way to show Boone and the Bartlome family they are loved and supported. 

This week instead of answering a question or sharing your opinion, I would like for you to leave Boone a message.  Thank you.  


  1. Boone, I had no idea who you were until this tragic incident that happened last Friday night. I did not see your injury but I was at the game and saw you laying on the flied not moving and as soon as i saw the ambulance show up I knew it was something serious. It was a beautiful and inspiring sight watching both teams pray together as they are rivals. I have heard so many different versions of what happened to you from the news to school to websites.My family and I have been praying for you and your family every day and we wish you a quick recovery.

  2. Boone, I feel bad for you and hope you can have a quick recover. I have heared about this incident in the paper and at school and i was wondering who you were and what happened and now I know. I will pray for you and your family. Even though you do not go to Bishop Kelly that gives no reason not to pray for you or feel bad for you. Get better soon!

  3. Boone, I wish you well and you are in all my prayers. I wish I was watching but I missed it. The things that the crowd, coaches, and players did for you was amazing. I really didn't like football but that doesn't mean that I don't have to keep them in my prayers. Thank you.

  4. Boone, I heard about what happened and I feel really bad I hope you get better you are very tough and very inspiring you are now in my prayers get better and good luck .

  5. Dear Boone,
    I hope that you recover and are not paralyzed for the rest of your life. You are forever in my prayers or at least until you have fully recovered. I am also praying that your family is strong and brave. I was not at your game because I was doing other things, but I heard about your injury and was astonished at how huge of an injury you had when you were just going for a block! I really do hope you get better soon!
    You Are In My Prayers,

  6. Dear Boone,
    I was at the game last Friday and I really didn't realize how bad it was until the ambulance came onto the field.. I hope you have a fast recovery and I want you to know that everything is going to be ok. God makes everything happen for a reason so he has something planed for you. My family and I are praying for you and your family. I hope you feel better!

  7. Dear Boone,
    I wasn't at the game that day, but I know that your injury is serious. I hope you get better soon and are able to play football again. I hope that your school and your friends are there for you on your road to recovery. You and your family are in my prayers

  8. Dear Boone,
    I am really sorry for what had happened to you at the game this weekend at the game. I hope you feel better soon and you can play football again. I am praying for you and your family that you feel better soon.

  9. Dear Boone,
    first of all, you will make it through this. It will be really challenging and sometimes frustrating, but however, you will make it through. There are so many people who care about and love you and that will be there for you. You are in everyones prayers and I hope you have a smooth road of recovery:)

  10. Boone, I was at the game when it happened. It really scared us and I hope you know that we were all praying for you. I truly feel bad for you and I hope a miracle happens. I am aware that this is your first season playing football and I hope it isn't the last. I've been keeping you in my prayers and I hope you recover as soon as possible.

  11. Boone, I was at the game when it happened, I was terrified. I hope you get better, I know you have had great medical care and you will get better soon. We are all thinking and praying for you. I hope you get better fast.

  12. Dear Boone,
    You are very very brave. I was not at the game but I heard about your injury immediately. You are being prayed for by all of us. You can recover from this but until then we will all be praying for you. I hope that wasn't your last game but as long as your ok it doesn't really matter. I hope that you recover really fast.

  13. Dear Boone,
    I hope your injury doesn't stop you and you can keep playing. I don't know much about what happened but after reading the article it sounded really bad. I will pray and keep praying for you. Hope you heal.
    -Thomas Ryden

  14. Dear Boone,
    My class has been praying for you every day. I hope you get well soon. I wasn't at the game when it happened but everyone told me what happened. I think that it is cool Coach Pete came to visit you.
    Best wishes -Peter Hunter

  15. Dear Boone,
    I hope you have a strong recovery and that you can continue playing football. I am amazed by your bravery for going out there to play even though you know you could get hurt. I will keep you in my prayers. Hope you get better.
    -Lucas Gabrieli

  16. Dear Boone,
    No words can describe what happened to you. You put everything out on the line for your team, and I thank you for that. Sadly, that meant having to risk your own life. But, against all the odds, you pulled through, not only for yourself, but for our entire community as well. I am well aware what you will never be the same after this, but hopefully you can look at what you did for this town, and not what it did to you. That night, after you were rushed away, the two biggest rivals came together and said a prayer. You alone brought sworn enemies together as friends. You did what no one else could, even if it meant injuring yourself beyond total repair. Even though you, your team, and Bishop Kelly went into the game as rivals, you came out together as companions. I hope and pray you never forget what you did for this town, and I hope it makes you a little stronger. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You will always be in my prayers.
    Your admirer,
    Avery Hormaechea

  17. Dear Boone,
    My friends and I were at that B.K- Kuna game and when I saw you laying on the ground, I knew something was wrong from the start. While we were watching helpful people sprang into action trying to help you. A little bit later, when you still didnt get up, we knew it was terrible. The ambulance came and the game continued, but everyone was praying and hoping for you to get better, and to hopefully not be paralyzed. I really do hope that you will get through this, after some time, and you hopefully will be able to support your team along the way. Good Luck Boone!

  18. Dear Boone,
    Although I was not at the game, I feel sorry and am keeping you in my prayers. You are very brave and i respect and honor you for all you have stayed strong through. I cant imagine the pain you went through, you are truly the braviest person I know. You brought two rivals together forever. I hope you feel better.

  19. Dear Boone,
    I wasn't there when you got hurt, but you are very strong. I will keep you in my prayers and I hope you get better soon.
    Don't be scared of what you are going through, I know you'll be running on the field again!
    Grace Schoenherr

  20. Dear Boone,
    I wasn't at that game, but I do know that you are brave. I know you and your family were terrified. I really hope you can recover and I also hope that wasn't your last game. You have great doctors that know what they are doing. You are making great progress and will hopefully recover soon with the help from parents and doctors.

    Cristina Asla

  21. Dear Boone,
    On the night of the BK football game, I saw you take that hit and fall but I never thought that that hit would be one of so much injury. I will be praying for you and your family and hope you have a healthy road to recovery.

    You're in my prayers.

  22. Boone,
    on the night of the football game I didn't see you fall because I was so busy watching the play. When I saw you on the ground I didn't think it was serious, but now that I know how serious it is, my whole family is praying for you every day.
    Hoping you are improving and for your speedy recovery,

  23. Dear Boone,
    I hope you feel better soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I know you will recover soon. I keep tabs on your progress by watching the local news. We are all cheering for you. We support you all the way. God Bless.
    Your Friend, Jake

  24. Dear Boone,
    I honestly didn't find out what had happened to you until the following Monday of the tragic. That Monday I heard about the ambulance and then I knew that you must have been injured. You are in my families, friends, and the communities thoughts and prayers. I hope that you have a speedy recovery and that you improve with a high speed. Fell better soon Boone;)!!!!


  25. This was really a tragic event in Boise football history. The only thing I have to say to Boone is hang in there.

  26. Dear Boone,
    I find it very inspiring how even such a tragic event could bring such rivals together. I, and my family are keeping you in our prayers. I hope with all my heart that you make a speedy and full recovery. Everybody is united in cheering you on. Hang on and Stay strong!

  27. Dear Boone,
    I hope you get better as soon as possible and make a fast recovery. My family and I are keeping you in our prayers. Stay strong.


  28. Dear Boone, you are inspiring to me and to a lot of people I know. I saw what happened and I'm deeply sorry. Remember ,stat strong and you will get better. You are in my prayers
    Lucas F

  29. Boone, I am so sorry about what happened on the football field. You must have been in so much pain. I hope you get better.I wish it happened to me so you didn't have to suffer on your first season. I has so sad to hear about that injury. You are in my prayers and I hope you feel better.
    Jack Sk.

  30. Dear Boone,I am so amazed on how strong you have been so far.Its very inspiring to me and to my family on how you stay healthy.My brother first braught it up (James bodine), i dont know if you know him but when i saw what had happened to you at the game i was so sad because of what an injury you had.I know you will be strong and stay healthy through youre times in the hospital.I know this is youre first time playing football but i hope it won't be you're last.I hope you get better soon so you can play football as soon as possible :) .Were keeping you in our prayers all around.stay strong!!!!!!
    -Rebecca Bodine

  31. Boone, i hope you have you have a good recovery. I now it has been long and hard for you. This is you first time playing football and it is to bad event had to happen. You will be in my prayers. Hope you feel better.

    - max

  32. Boone, I am sorry for what happend at the game. We are all thinking of you and you are in our prayers. It is inspiring to see everyone coming together to support you. I hope you're feeling better soon. There are a lot of people cheering you on through your recovery.

  33. Boone,
    I'm sorry that you got hurt at the game. Hope you get well soon. Though I am a knight, your team played well as to you too. Your team kept it fair and the game turned out well. We will pray for you and hope you can be better again.-Connor.

  34. Dear Boone,
    Sports injury's are awful. I hope you get well soon. You played a great hard fought game. You are in my prayers,


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