Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

It has been five weeks from Hurricane Sandy and its devastation to the East Coast of the United States.  Places in New York and New Jersey were decimated as a result of the storm and its aftermath.

The cost of the storm’s devastation is still undetermined.  These costs include rescue efforts, evacuation, structural damage and property restoration.  Below is a link which shows before and after pictures of the New Jersey Coast.

While tragedy is always horrible to read about and witness, it is also within these times we are able to witness to strength of the human spirit and the incredible lengths people are willing to go to help their neighbors. 

One such story comes from New Jersey.  Within days of the storm’s devastation, New Jersey Strong was organized as a non-profit organization.  Its sole purpose is to aid the families victimized along the Jersey coast who were victimized by Sandy.

The organization has focused its efforts on clean up.  They are gathering and deploying numerous volunteers to homes, parks, and other locations to clean up the debris and attempt to restore property to the condition it was before the storm.  While they can use money, their primary request from the public that want to be involved is manpower.  They have faced some challenges, but with concentrated focus and relentless effort, they are providing hope to many people who have lost their homes, cars, photos, and sense of security.

The focus, passion, and commitment they have shown to their community are inspiring.  This is a grassroots effort to reclaim the New Jersey shoreline, which has been an important place in their lives. 

Do you know anyone who was affected by Hurricane Sandy?  What obstacles did they face and how did they overcome those obstacles?  What do you think about the efforts of New Jersey Strong?


  1. Austin- No I don't know anyone affected by Hurricane Sandy. The people faced flooded homes, loss of electricity, and emotional distress. I think it is a great organization because it helps the people who have faced in total devastation and feel helpless.

  2. Margaret- No, I dont know anyone who was affected by Sandy and i dont want to know. The New Jercey people have faced emotional stress and been vary sad. Also have faced loss of homes and no electricity. I think the New Jercey Strong is a amazing orginization to Jersey because it helps clean up the community so it can look a little bit better.

  3. Charlie- Yes lots of my friends and family were greatly affected by Sandy. My Godfather (a social studies teacher at Princeton) was will out power for 2 weeks. My aunt lives in an apartment that was full of water to the 2 floor and her car was demolished by flood waters. My dads friend works in the Stock Exchange and is in there secondary work building witch did not have a lot of internet accessibility. Another very good family friend had there house torn down to shreds but luckily was not there at the time. They had to prepare and evacuate also go through a great amount of stress. I watched the news on Sandy and thought that some people were crazy because they were not going to evacuate New Jersey and stay. The majority of the people did what ever they could to keep the people of New Jersey safe and protected at all costs. I think that this is the biggest natural disaster in the United States history because of who many homes were lost and how many homeless and people without power like my family on the East Cost. I went to New Jersey for almost a month this year and saw the great wonders of the Boardwalk, and to see all of that damage I was devastated with the loss of people.

  4. Emily - Yes, my aunt and uncle that live in Connecticut were affected my Sandy. They had to leave their house for a week because they had no power, and before they left a tree almost fell on their house. The efforts of New Jersey Strong are great and Ibet they make a difference in the community. They show that they aren't really people who give up, which probably inspires other people to help.

  5. -Sam-I do not know anybody that was affected by hurricane Sandy. But, I bet it would be very hard and very difficult for them to overcome. I think that Jersey Strong is a wonderful organization that benefits the inhabitants of the Jersey Shore; this is good because some organized group has to be helping the victims of the storm. It’s great that they have already become to picking up the carnage. This was such a big hurricane and it caused major devastation. People who need help are getting it now, and they are getting shelter that they need. Their needs are being met Jersey Strong is helping with the relief efforts. It is good that a local organization is helping and not just the Red Cross or something like that. The Jersey Strong is making the Jersey Shore a better place to live.

  6. Madeline- I do know people that where affected by Hurricane Sandy. My Grandma, Aunt Anne, Aunt Lynne, and Aunt Rose. My Aunt Rose and Aunt Lynne own a beach house, so they had to leave to go to my Grandma’s house. The beach house lost power so when they went back to their beach house the food had all gone bad. They board walk that I use every summer was destroyed. At my Grandma’s house they lost power and had no heat for a week and could not eat any home cooked meals. They had to get take out food from some restaurants that managed to stay open with generators. They kept themselves occupied by playing monopoly in the dark with candles. My Aunt Rose and Aunt Lynne waited in a gas line for seven hours just to drive to their friends house who had power. In the video it showed a picture of Seaside Heights. I went to Seaside Heights in August and had seen the roller coaster in the picture, and had walked on the boardwalk. I think that New Jersey Strong really has given some people hope that they will go back to normal living.

  7. Grace- My grandpa, Pop-Pop, was affected by Hurricane Sandy in Virginia. There was no public transportation (which people use a lot), they needed lots of water, they needed flashlights and lots of batteries (in case the power went out), and people needed a radio to get updates about the hurricane. My grandpa had to stay home and wait until it was safe to go back to work. I believe that The New Jersey Strong is incredible, because people would go out of their way to help others in need and would help clean up their community.

  8. Claire- No, I don't know anyone who was affected by Hurricane Sandy. I talked to my mom and she said that she knows someone who she used to work with that was affected She lives in New Jersey and works in New York. My mom said that her friend lost power for about eight days. Like in the video she said that they went to gas stations to get gas, but the gas stations either ran out, or the lines were too long. I think that the New Jersey Strong is a great organization to get people and their community to regroup after what had just affected them. It is great that people are always willing to help others.

  9. Jack- No, I do not know anyone who has been afected by the devastation. I do know in the storm, people are out there who fought for Justice, happiness. This saved many livs and saved the hearts and soul of the mentaly wounded. Thi is a shout out to all the people who helped in this Trouble. " thank you for saving the soft loved".

  10. Graci- Yes, I do know someone who was affected by Hurricane Sandy, my aunt and uncle.They live in Connecticut. They had no electriciy or plumbing for a week. Obstacles that affected people from Sandy are no elecricity, plumbing, and losts of possesions, family or friends. The efforts of the New Jersey are great. It's nice to know that other people are willing to help people who have lost many things. I think the New Jersey Strong are incredible people because they went out of their way to help other people.

  11. Robert Fritz- I do not no anyone that was effected by Hurricane Sandy because all of my friends and family live in the north west of the United states and not the East Coast area. The people that had to face Hurricane Sandy had to face a lot of terrible things like losing family, money, homes, and other very important items that Hurricane Sandy stole during its time at the East Coast. The people that experienced Hurricane Sandy also faced a lot of more problems like loss of electricity and floods because the storm interfered with signals and rained a lot which flooded all of the downstairs parts of houses. People there are also suffering from mental distress because some times losing all of your belongs can be to much to bare. I think that the efforts of New Jersey Strong are great because people have more hope of getting their homes back to the way it origanly was. I also think that the organization is great because its being a huge help and makes people happy. I just wish that there were more organizations like Red Cross and New Jersey Strong so that people in need could be more happy.

  12. Kylee-no I dont know any one that was effeted by sandy.I think the effort that they are putting into this awful disaster is awesome because they are the people that make others smile and also makes them feel safe and secure.I know if I were one of the people that was effected by this disaster and some one came to help me I would remeber and charish that the rest of my life.

  13. Henry- No, i do not know anybody who was affected by Sandy. These people faced homelessness, death, and or lost family members and friends. I feel strongly about what they are trying to do with the New Jersey Strong campaign in order to help people that were affected by this Super-Storm Sandy. This will truly make these people without power, homes, family, and friends feel better/happy.

  14. IEmile-No, i don't know any one who was hurt in the storm. I think they faced the obstacle of overcoming for the people who lost their house and lost lives. i think the efforts of new jersey rescue team is amazing like in hurricane Katrina the people who are getting hurt are helping them.

  15. mckai- No I don't no anyone. The biggest optical they have faced is hurracian Sandy they have most of them have by trusting in the people that are helping them and mostly God. I think there efforts are great deal of help to the people.

  16. Elizabeth- My uncle lost half of his house and lost his cats. Im sure they are in sad ntimes in their lives. My uncle and Aunt and the people that were affected lost maybe a part of them personal belongings. They might have came to a point when they were brave and went to revisit their brocken homes and said you know its time to move on. I believe that lots in New Jersey tried to stay strong and help others and them selfs. Im sure they can rebuild their community physicaly and mentaly.

  17. welles- i do not know anyone who was affecited. they faced emotional distress if they lots someone and they lost lots of belongings. the have to start all over on their town and houses. i think that NEw Jersey strong was a good idea to help the famimly in need.


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