Tuesday, October 16, 2012

National Bullying Prevention Month

Bullying has gained a tremendous amount of attention.  We have heard, seen, or read of horrific acts of bullying, whether through face to face contact, email and Facebook, or spreading rumors.  These despicable acts have at times resulted in senseless acts of violence committed against oneself or one’s neighbor.

October has been given the honor of being National Bullying Prevention Month.  This is the seventh year in a row PACER has promoted bullying prevention education and awareness.  This year, prominent organizations, including Facebook and Yahoo!, as well as distinguished celebrities, such as Annie Thurman from the Hunger Games and Mikey Reid from Victorious, have joined the cause to raise awareness and encourage prevention.

Each day more than 160,000 students stay home from school due to the fear of being bullied.  No one should have to go to school scared.  While we may seem to live in sheltered environment, we would be remiss to assume acts of bullying could not exist at our school or within the city.

Below are links to websites to provide you with additional bullying prevention information and what you can do in our school and community to put an end to bullying.  The sites define what is bullying, explains why kids bully, and provide resources to help if you are bullied or witness bullying. 


In addition to the Children of Peace, what else can we do in our school to address and prevent bullying?  How would you handle a situation where you saw someone being bullied?  What are some steps we can take to encourage acceptance and tolerance at school and in our community?


  1. Claire- In addition to the Children of Peace, we can address bullying as soon as it happens. That means not being bullied all throughout your grade-school, but having it stop just as soon as it starts. If I saw someone being bullied I would stand up for them and not let it get to a point where it got physical. I would tell that person who is being bullied to go talk to a trusted adult like a counselor or a parent about what is going on. Some steps we can take to encourage acceptance and tolerance is to, first, welcome new people into your community and don't make them feel like they aren't wanted. If you see them playing by them self, go play with them. Another step would be to not judge people by how they look. They might not look very good from the outside, but may be a great person inside. Remember, do not be a bully, stand up for people being bullied.

  2. Charlie- Other than the children of peace I think we could should have a stand up award at the award ceremony for someone who has stood up for someone. If I would in a situation were someone was getting bullied I would try to stop the person doing it and tell a trusted adult. I think that all schools should have there one children of peace.

  3. -Sam-We can try to realize that we are in a Christian environment and that we a can be treated equality. Though some people think that they are better than other people, which is not true. I think that most people get this sense that they are better than other people because maybe they think that they are better at a certain sport or a subject. Maybe they are more popular or have more friends. Anyway, these problems that people get when they have the upper hand in anything, it doesn’t even have to be anything big. Maybe they are taller than the victim or are smarter or better looking. Any of these reasons can lead to bullying. What we can do to prevent this is to have the mentality that all people are created equal and that we each have a place in this world. I think that some advice for the people that are being bullied is that you have to say something to your bully or bullies that Is about what they are doing to you. Such as if a person is bulling you and they say how weird your shoes are, you ask them “Why are making fun of my shoes?” This can so two things it either can stop them dead and they might stutter. The other outcome is that they are strong and they say something like “Because you’re stupid.” Then you ask the same question until you get a good answer. The way I would handle a situation in which someone was being bullied is I would invite the other person to play with me and my friends. Or I would make a stand for the person who is being bullied, I would do this by saying to them to knock it off and ask them why they are doing it. Some steps we can take to encourage tolerance and acceptance is we can be aware that some people, no matter how annoying they are, are human beings and they deserve the same respect as all people have gotten, even if you are not as good as some people as sports than that shouldn’t be a reason to bully you about it. The same goes for your race, culture, or how smart you are. God created us equal, so why shouldn’t we think the same about each other?

  4. Madeline- In addition to the Children of Peace, we should work as a school community to make sure everyone feels welcome and included. At lunch or recess, make sure that everybody has somebody to play or sit with. Everyone is different, and we shouldn’t judge each other whether it is for the way we look, dress, or who we hang out with. If I saw someone being bullied, I would confront the bully, or I would tell an adult that I trust. When you hear friends talking bad about another person, try to confront them and tell them it is not nice. Make sure that new kids are especially paid attention to, because I know that it is so hard to start in a new school especially as you get older.

  5. Mackenzie- I think that we should have a Person that you can be with all day. We could pair up kids all day and have them get to know each other better so that our school community will be closer together. First I would tell a trusted adult and try to comfort the person so that they feel like they belong. Look around you at all the people that you have met. see if some of them don't look like they are happy . If they are being bullied try to introduce them to some of your close friends so they fell accepted .

  6. Emile-I think the COPs are a good idea but most people dont want to tell them for lets say they could be called a wimp or a baby because they half to go to someone for help. what i think we can do is honestly get a video camera tape it then show it to the class. How would I handle a situation where you saw someone being bullied? I would walk over to where it was happening and tell them to stop see how they would like it if they were getting tossed around by other kids. well in my saying i say "Bullies are whack so whack them right back" to say defend your self if you are getting bullied and stay strong we all get bullied one in life.

  7. mckai- I think we should have mo eyes on us so kids don't get hurt at resess and in the school. Eirther get a teacher or stand up to depending on the person. take deep breths and don't take it in I just day dream

  8. Emily- i think that we should just try to have anyone that sees bullying stopp it and confront the bully. If i saw someone getting bullied i would try to help the person getting bullied and tell an adult as soon as i see it. Some steps are to be welcoming and nice to new kids, be ause they might not have any friends at first. Another one is if someone is sitting alone or playing by themselves, try to go over to them and hang out with them, and not ignore them.

  9. Grace- In addition to the Children Of Peace, we can all have little charts to keep track of good things we do in the day. We can see how big the charts get by doing lots of great things. For example, someone could sit by somebody who is alone at lunch. Later, you would write down what you did. Another example would be to report to an adult if you saw someone being bullied. If I saw somebody being bullied, I would stand up to the bully, comfort the person who was being bullied, then tell a trusted adult. A way to encourage acceptance is to invite someone that you usually don't hang out with to your birthday party.

  10. Elizabeth- To prevent bullying we can try to tell more teachers about the bullying if you are a wittness. Maybe we can try and talk about this more in our classes. If I saw someone being bullied I would try to tell a teacher put it in the help box. Maybe some people try to be mean because of what people others look like, so if people want to help that kid they can by opening up there heart and looking on the inside not on the out.

  11. Jack-Bullys are cruel and abominable they should not be doing what there doing and boy sam you wrote alot. To prevent bullies from doing what ever bad thing is being done tell someone trusted. Sojourn what they are doing and make the world free and safe from catastrafy. Thank you for the time you read this mr. Grant.

  12. Henry- Another idea to stop bullying is to let's actually stand up for our selfs and for others. I would stand up to the bully and confront them of what they are doing wrong. We can encourage kids to stand up to bullies and we can try to spread the word.

  13. Graci- Another idea to stop bullying besides Children Of Peace is to tell an adult the minute you see it or if someone does it to you. You can't wait to tell an adult because it could get worse or the bullies could threaten you. If i saw someone getting bullied I would immedialetly go tell an adult or report it. Some steps for acceptance and tolerance in our school and community is: To invite a kid that is lonely to come and hang out with you, or You have to be patient to kids who might be a little differnet or annoying, but it doesn't mean to ignore them. Also, we can try to make people who see bullying be brave enough to confront the bully or to tell an adult.

  14. Austin- Besides the program for peace another way to prevent bullying in our school is to tell a trusted adult if you witness bullying going on in the school. If I saw someone being bullied I would tell the person that is bullying to stop and this is your warning and then I would keep a close eye on that person. To help prevent bullying in our community I think children of peace should be all over the comunity not just our school.

  15. Margaret- As in a chatholic enviroment i think that all of us should already treat eachother equaly but some of us dont. i think that we should say to ourselves if we are bullying how you would feel if someone was doing that to you. i think that we should be more aware like having more recess dutties or even more teachers so that we would be arware that grownups are around us and we wouldnt bully. if i saw someone bulling i would go up to that person right away and stand up for that person who was being bullied even if my best friend was the bullyer i would say dont. i think that more people should relize that physical actions adn or hutful words are not the resilution we need to talk to ourselves and say what would my rolemodel do ?

  16. Robert-In addition to the children of peace another thing that we can address bullying would be sanding up for others by taking action when you see bullying. If i saw somebody being bullied i would probably take action myself or notify a teacher. Some steps that we can take to encourage acceptance and tolerance at school and in our community would be to find a bullys problem and then solve it or make a children for peace program to reduce the amount of bullies.

  17. Victoria-I think that other than program for peace we should do a community project like going out into the community and raising bully awareness. If i saw someone being bullied i would tell the bully to stop and i would invite the person who was being bullied to come hang out with me. I would also report the person to the bully box. We could teach kids at an early age about diversity,empathy,and good communication skills to help prevent bullying.

  18. welles- other than program for peace we can talk to an adult or if we see it happen. we can stand up for those being bullied. if i saw someone getting bullied i would put a slip in the help box. i would try to help them and be kind to them. to deal with this we can go through the 3 questions to figure out if it is bulling or peer conflict. also we can get help from an adult we trust.

  19. Isaiah-The fact that more than 160,000 kids stay home everday is horrible. I think if the bullies had a chance to have it done to themselves they MIGHT rethink. Though whenever punished when told on it is never that severe because to the teacher it seems like he/she is very nice. Also, after that they only seek more revenge on the victim

  20. Kylee- I think to improve program for peace we should have posters around the school that say "don't bully". I would stand up and speak out to stop bullying if I saw someone being bullied. A way to stop bullying in the community can be to start a neighborhood organization.

  21. Ben Hermes- they need more people watching over the kids. to make sure not bullying of course but what would you do if the bully threatened to hurt if you told wouldn't that be a disadvantage or would you still tell the knowing that he might never see you again after that or would you just live a bully in your life with all of the mean words being told to you.


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